Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What is FACTS?

Welcome to the FACTS blog! We are delighted you are interested in learning more, so “What is FACTS ?”

The Fertility Appreciation Collaborative is a group of physicians, health care professionals, and educators working together to Teach the Systems of natural or fertility awareness based methods of family planning,.  The term natural family planning or NFP may be more commonly used to refer to these available systems or methods of family planning but they are more accurately described as Fertility Awareness Based Methods (FABMs) , since a clear understanding of a woman’s fertility is central to their effectiveness and usefulness.
Our mission is to educate physicians and healthcare professionals using medical evidence so they may educate and empower women and engage men to appreciate and care for their fertility.
To help us achieve our mission, our goals are to:
1.      Educate physicians and healthcare professionals in the basic principles of fertility awareness based methods (FABMs) and the supporting science behind their medical applications. 
2.      Provide a forum for clinicians, educators, and researchers to share and expand the evolving body of evidence about FABMs.
3.      Promote FABMs and provide opportunities for learning more about them and their use in effective, relationship-centered care for women and couples.
4.   Foster respect and support for clinicians and students as collaborators in patient-centered reproductive health care.

Since FACTS was founded in 2010, we have made significant progress towards achieving our goals (thanks, in large part, to the more than 130 people who have supported our efforts). We invite you to follow our blog to learn more about FACTS – the who, what, when, where and why or better yet, visit our website and become a member at

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